Silicon Valley Estate Planning Journal

News and Articles from the Law Offices of John C. Martin

The Truth About Personal Risk Management, Part 1: Insurance

Personal risk management is being aware of the risks in your home and in your life, and then planning how to handle those risks. Insurance plays a big part in managing risk. Most people don’t like paying insurance premiums, but when something happens and the insurance...

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John Martin at the Menlo Park Kiwanis Club Christmas Tree Lot

"We talked to John amidst the beautiful Noble fir trees that are being sold at the Menlo Park Kiwanis Christmas tree lot on El Camino adjacent to Stanford University. He is currently President of the Kiwanis Club, but it is the Kiwanis Club Foundation that benefits...

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Budgeting, Part 1: Budgeting as a Friend and not a Foe

Budgets do control spending behavior. However, budgets also allocate resources to the areas of highest impact or interest. When a budget is structured based on priorities and values, much of the controlling element is removed.Using budgets at work is understood and...

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Strategies for Those Awkward Financial Discussions

There may be people close to you (spouse, parents, children) who are practicing financial behaviors that are unproductive or destructive. You want to help them get back on track, but you don’t want to come across as judgmental or condescending, or put them on the...

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John C. Martin

John C. Martin

(650) 329-9500


636 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, CA 94301

John C. Martin
John C. Martin

(650) 329-9500